
Type of tickets
140 DKK
Unge (11-17 år)
85 DKK
Børn (3-10 år)
55 DKK
Børn under 3 år

Unless otherwise stated, tickets must be redeemed within one year from the date of purchase

purchase terms and privacy policy

Museum for post, tele og kommunikation


Velkommen til ENIGMA – Museum for post, tele og kommunikation. ENIGMA er et museum fyldt med aktiviteter og oplevelser. Et sted, hvor ordet sættes frit, og viden er i spil. Vi ønsker at understøtte vores demokratiske værdier og betydningen af god kommunikation.

ENIGMA er Danmarks kommunikationsmuseum. På ENIGMA opbevarer vi Danmarks nationale samlinger inden for post og tele og råder over Danmarks største frimærkesamling samt landets vigtigste fagbibliotek inden for sit felt.

ENIGMA byder på tre nye udstillingsområder og et stort børneområde, som vi glæder os til at byde hele Danmark velkommen i.

Ordet ENIGMA er græsk og betyder gåde. Gennem vores mange aktiviteter på museet er det præcis vores hensigt at bidrage til, at vi alle bliver bedre til at aflæse hverdagens kommunikationsgåder. Samtidig er vi jo så heldige, at vi i vores samling har en ENIGMA-maskine, som er den kodemaskine, som blev brugt under 2. verdenskrig – og helt nye undersøgelser har påvist, at vores maskine er den ældste der findes i verden.

Practical information


Opening hours

Tirsdag - søndag: kl. 10-17

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Useeum?

Useeum is a vast museum universe, consisting of a single unified app for all museums and this new, shared ticket portal. Here on the site, you can both find your next museum experience and purchase your tickets. Make your next museum visit exciting with the Useeum app at hand. Here you’ll find a wealth of great stories in the form of guides, podwalks, and treasure hunts for a variety of museums, visitor centers, castles, nature parks, and the like.

Why can't I purchase tickets for all museums through Useeum?

The ticket portal is new, and we are working on including all Danish museums. Right now, you can purchase tickets for the museums you see here, but we hope that in the future, you’ll be able to buy tickets for even more museums.

How do I show my tickets upon arrival?

Your tickets have been sent to your email and consist of a QR code. Show this QR code to the staff upon arrival, and they will scan and redeem your tickets.

You can display the email with the QR code directly from your mobile or print it out.

What should I do if I've lost my tickets?

Your tickets have been sent to your email. Remember to check your spam folder.

If you’re unable to find it, please send us an email, and we’ll resend the ticket to your email.

What are Useeum's terms of purchase, privacy policy, and cookie policy?

Read our terms of purchase and privacy policy here.

Read our cookie policy here.